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Success Stories

$3.5 million settlement for construction worker.

FACTS: The injured worker, Abbas, was a 55 year old operating engineer who was struck and killed by a pipe that fell from an excavator. The recovery was for his widow and three adult children.

$985,000 for home care attendant injured by medical malpractice

JL, a 62 y/o home attendant suffered an injury to his radial nerve due to malpractice of operating surgeon.

The case was settled against the hospital where the surgery took place.

$1,750,000 for injured legal secretary

MN, a 52 y/o legal secretary slipped and fell on a wet bathroom floor in the office building where she worked.

She suffered injury to her knee, hips and back.

The case was settled against the building cleaning contractor and owner.

$1,628,000 for injured carpenter.

JM, a 55 y/o carpenter tripped on torn plastic flooring covering at a construction site, suffering injuries to his knee, wrist and neck.

The case was settled against the building owner and general contractor who were responsible for the jobsite.

$1,375,000 for school teacher.

The NYC teacher suffered ankle injury falling on defective staircase.

$22.1 million verdict for surgical error on woman during hysterectomy

FACTS: One of the largest jury verdicts in Kings County, NY was awarded to plaintiff Judith, a 56 year old woman who suffered a perforation of her bowel during the course of a hysterectomy she underwent on September 5, 2000, performed by the defendant OBGYN. The plaintiff developed severe peritonitis and had a colostomy and abdominal surgery. She had 7 subsequent hospitalizations in an attempt to reverse the colostomy which were unsuccessful. In 2005 she developed a PICC line infection which resulted in her suffering a heart attack and stroke. She is currently confined to a nursing home.

$2.5 million settlement for injured carpenter.

The carpenter tripped on raised floor plate on a job site and suffered injuries to his knee.

$3.75 million settlement in Baby Najia Case

FACTS: Baby Najia was born in a New York City hospital in November, 2007. It was subsequently detected that she had a bowel condition which was untreated resulting in the loss of a portion of her bowel and numerous subsequent surgeries. The case was settled prior to trial for $3,750,000.00 with funds set aside to pay for all future treatment and a waiver of over $1,000,000.00 in medical bills.

$750,000 settlement for carpenter.

The carpenter suffered injury to his shoulder when struck by falling floor jack

$2 million settlement for family of deceased laborer

FACTS: A laborer fell from the second floor of a building under construction sustaining injuries which resulted in his death. The settlement was for his wife and teen age child.

$3 Million recovered in Workplace Injury case.

FACTS: While working as a driller's assistant on a harbor-dredging project on the Delaware River in Pennsylvania, 36-year-old Russel was struck by an undefined object. Russel was supporting two drilling towers when the object struck him. He is now suffering from epilepsy as a result of being struck in the head.

The jury found that Russel had grounds to sue under the Jones Act because the barge that he was working on was considered a "vessel" and it was considered unseaworthy. The case was decided in a U.S. District Court for Southern New York where he was awarded $3 million.

$2.3 million settlement for infant misdiagnosed by pediatrician

FACTS: A 3 year old infant with fever was taken to a pediatrician who discharged the infant without treatment or thorough exam. The infant subsequently suffered oxygen deprivation and neurologic injury.

$1.3 million settlement for infant who suffered shoulder injury/erb’s palsy at birth

FACTS: An infant suffered shoulder dystocia during delivery. The Obstetrician failed to use proper methods to relieve the dystocia resulting in erb’s palsy.

$1.65 Million recovered in Classroom Injury

FACTS: A Brooklyn, N.Y., school teacher was injured when her arm and wrist became caught in a classroom door while she tried to stop a student from slaming it. She claimed that the door was defective in that an arm of the door governor was broken and a screw in the door stopper was missing. She further contended that the door governor broke four months earlier and that she had reported the condition to a custodian several times.

The school countered that it was unaware of the condition and argued that the fault lay with the plaintiff or the student. She has not returned to work and her expert testified that she is permanently disabled and will eventually lose full use of her hand. The jury awarded $1.65 million, including $1.2 million for past and future pain and suffering.

$2,550,000 settlement for a Maritime Accident.

A deckhand who suffered arm injury in tow line accident

$2.97 Million recovered in School Bus Injury case.

FACTS: An 11-year-old student, was injured while attempting to board her school bus. She said she was attempting to board the bus on her way home from school when the driver allegedly pulled away from the bus stop prematurely, causing her to fall under the bus' right front wheel. According to the plaintiff, the driver alleged that the girl was running after the bus when she slipped and fell on ice. The case settled at a pre-trial conference for $2.97 million. The girl suffered alleged hip fractures, degloving injuries and tissue loss requiring skin graft and multiple surgeries. She has severe scarring and disfigurement to both legs.

$875,000 settlement for drywall installer.

The construction worker fell and suffered injuries to his back

$2.4 million settlement for injured Laborer

FACTS: A cement laborer was injured as the result of falling through an opening in the floor. He sustained a fractured arm. The settlement was payment for lost earnings and pain and suffering.

$2 million settlement for laborer injured by falling plywood

FACTS: Ambrose is a 45 year old laborer who was loading 6'x4' plywood sheets onto an A frame dolly when the load shifted causing the plywood to fall on and fracture his left leg. The building owner and general contractor were held liable for failing to secure the dolly and in failing to provide Ambrose with a safe jobsite.

The case was settled before trial for $2 million.

$1,100,000 for NYC police officer.

The NYC police officer suffered leg injury in automobile accident.

$1.1 Million recovered in Medical Malpractice case.

FACTS: The parents of three year old Robert, who was running a fever, vomiting and had the shakes, called the doctor for medical advice. The doctor instructed the boy's parents to give him aspirin and bring him in for an examination the next day. The next day, shortly after the doctor saw him, Robert went into a coma and later died from a rare and swift-moving bacterial infection. The bacteria called meningococcemia is often fatal unless treated with antibiotics.

The jury in the State Supreme Court awarded the child's estate $1.05 million for the pain and suffering from the time of the call and the time he lapsed into the coma. The remaining balance was compensation for the medical expenses.

$1,750,000 settlement for injured laborer.

The laborer fell from sidewalk shed and suffered hip injury

$3.8 million settlement for family of mother who died in childbirth

FACTS: Mother suffered from placental abruption which was not properly treated resulting in blood loss and death. Award was to her surviving children for their loss of her parental guidance.

$950,000 settlement for woman injured because of improper medication

FACTS: A woman received sleep medication from psychiatrist who failed to be aware of her abnormal reaction. She was subsequently in a serious car accident after falling asleep at the wheel from the medication.

$1,750,000 for an auto accident injury.

A pedestrian struck by car who suffered head injuries

$1 million settlement for widower of woman killed in auto accident

FACTS: A husband and wife were struck by a car which crossed into their lane of travel. The wife, 70 years old. Settlement was for her conscious pain and suffering awarded to husband.

$1.1 million settlement for workers who were burned in chemical explosion

FACTS: 2 workers at a sign shop were injured due to a chemical explosion. Landlord was held liable for allowing improper storage and use of chemicals.

$950, 000 settlement for infant scalded by hot water

FACTS: A child was burned by bath water which was too hot. Building held responsible for failing to regulate the hot water in the building.

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