Mental Abuse
Is your loved one being emotionally abused?
The victims of mental abuse in nursing homes will frequently not speak out about the situation, but will go on suffering the mistreatment while saying nothing, whether out of feelings of shame or due to fear of retaliation for speaking out. You may have noticed behavioral changes such as anxiety or irritability, or perhaps your loved one is now emotionally withdrawn. Don't assume that this is just a natural consequence of aging or that your family member's mood has shifted for no reason.
There is a very good chance that someone in the nursing home-whether a caregiver, a fellow resident or other member of the staff-is committing some form of mental abuse which is causing your loved one to suffer.

Common Types of Mental Abuse in Nursing Homes
Some varieties of emotional abuse are the result of the impatience of overworked caregivers in understaffed nursing homes, while others are perpetrated by individuals who choose to exercise their cruelty upon the weak and vulnerable residents who have been entrusted to their care. Whatever the cause, it is entirely unacceptable, and an attorney from our firm is ready to help you take legal action to hold the abuser accountable.
Examples of mental abuse include verbal attacks using abusive and degrading language, harassment, yelling or shouting at the resident, making sarcastic remarks about the resident or threatening violence or retaliation. Another common type of abuse involves subjecting the resident to social isolation, either out of neglect or by deliberately preventing the resident from leaving the living quarters. Whether your loved one has confided in you about the situation or if you merely suspect that abuse is occurring, don't hesitate to contact us at Jeffrey J. Shapiro & Associates, LLC. We have more than thirty years of experience defending the rights of victims, and are ready to begin investigating the case immediately, searching for evidence to prove your claim against the nursing home.