Sexual Harassment / Discrimination
Protect Your Rights in a Harassment Case
There are several types of claims that can be made in cases of sexual harassment and both can be forms of employment discrimination. One is called a "quid pro quo" case in which giving in to unwanted sexual advances is the requirement to being hired, continuing employment or receiving benefits related to one's job. A common example would be your boss stating that you will get the promotion you deserve, as long as you have sexual relations with him or her.
The other kind of sexual harassment is one that creates a hostile work environment. In this form of harassment, request for sexual favors or unsolicited and undesired sexual advances are made to an employee. In some cases, physical conduct or verbal harassment of a sexual nature are directed towards the targeted employee. The end result is the circumstances and conditions of the workplace are altered and have become abusive and hostile to the employee.
Jeffrey J. Shapiro & Associates has successfully resolved many cases in which employees have been the victims of improper sexual advances and harassment. This is a particular problem when the perpetrator is a boss or someone with authority.

Sexual Harassment Attorney in New York
You should not be afraid to pursue your rights. You do not have to work in an environment in which you are the victim of this type of abuse. The laws of our state, utilized by an aggressive attorney working on your behalf, are designed to help individuals who have suffered through illegal sexual harassment.
We utilize our 3 decades of experience to actively investigate and pursue justice in these cases. Your lost wages and emotional pain and suffering merit compensation. Depending upon the circumstances of your case, attorney's fees and punitive damages may be awarded as well.
We have tried cases in all of the major courts in the New York metropolitan region consistently resulting in significant verdicts and settlements on behalf of our clients. If you have been a victim of sexual harassment, you deserve a firm who has the proven experience to represent you.