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Construction Injury Lawyers vs Construction Company Attorneys

Construction Injury Lawyer New York

When a construction accident occurs, there are many different players involved in the aftermath, working to find a resolution for all parties involved. If you have recently been harmed in a construction-related accident, you will most likely come into contact with everyone from construction injury lawyers to workers’ compensation representatives to construction company attorneys. It’s important that you understand which parties represent you and your best interests before coordinating. One of the best decisions you can make early in the process is hiring a reputable, aggressive construction injury lawyer. New York is filled with viable options, Jeffrey J. Shapiro & Associates ranking as one of the best for clients who have been injured in a construction accident.

Construction Injury Lawyers vs Construction Company Attorneys

What is the difference between a construction injury lawyer and construction company attorney?

In some any private or public construction project, a construction lawyer is hired to oversee the legal aspects of the jobsite. It’s common for architects, owners, designers, and contractors to retain the services of a construction attorney to work on their behalf to avoid litigation and other legal matters associated with a construction project. They act as legal counsel when a contractor needs a permit, wants to consult on environmental regulation, or counsel on local, state, and federal regulations. It’s important for you to know that construction company attorneys do not represent those harmed in a construction-related accident. Their best interests lie with the contractors they represent.

I’ve been harmed in a construction-related accident. How should I proceed?

Victims of construction-related accidents would be wise to enlist the help of their own attorney, specifically a construction injury attorney who has years of experience representing clients who have endured a construction-related accident, including crane accidents, malfunctioning equipment, electrocution, a slip and fall onsite, and other life-altering accidents. Regardless of the details of your situation, a construction injury lawyer will be able to craft a strong case that helps you win a fair settlement. If an insurance company or workers’ compensation representative reaches out to you to resolve the situation, it’s important that you have strong legal representation and not try to negotiate a deal on your own.

Jeffrey J. Shapiro & Associates is a nationally recognized and acclaimed firm, serving clients throughout the New York metropolitan area. This may be one of the most important decisions you make, one that could impact your livelihood for years to come. If you are searching for a Construction injury lawyer, New York is home to the very finest.

 We will help you reclaim your health and life.

Nationally Recognized Legal Counsel in Personal Injury & Accident Matters