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Focusing on Falling Debris and Scaffolding Accidents

If you are looking for a construction injury lawyer, New York is home to many qualified and reputable construction accident attorneys that can collect the facts of your case, prepare and file a lawsuit, and ultimately win a settlement that will help you move forward after experiencing a life-altering construction-related accident. Jeffrey J. Shapiro & Associates have experience and success on their side, having worked with thousands of clients who have lived through every type of construction accident, including falling debris and scaffolding accidents.

Falling Debris Accident Attorney

It’s no secret that construction workers are often put in dangerous situations, but when proper procedures and laws protecting their health and wellbeing are not followed and employers fail to train their employees properly, accidents can happen. Unfortunately, because of the high volume of construction that takes place on an ongoing basis in Manhattan, the New York tri state area sees a higher rate of construction-related accidents, specifically scaffolding accidents, compared with less metropolitan areas of the United States.

There are many types of construction accidents in the New York area

Construction-workers are often asked to perform tasks on scaffolds, including painters and window washers. Due to the high potential for danger and accident, the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) outlines standards that should be followed by construction companies. OSHA regulates and requires the use of scaffolding ties, side brackets, base plates, a work platform decking, and other tools. Sadly, not all employers prioritize their workers’ safety and adhere to these best practices reasoning the high cost or time involved in securing a safe environment.

Scaffolding Accidents Attorney

When scaffolding is not secured, construction workers are put at risk, as well as pedestrians and onlookers on the street below. Most often, scaffolding accidents are caused by the use of defective equipment, failure to adhere to safety features, neglecting to provide proper supervision while a task is being performed. There is no excuse for employers to ignore OSHA standards, putting their employees at risk in the process.

Been injured on site?

If you have been injured in a construction-related accident, it is vital that you hire a reputable attorney to represent you for a few major reasons. If you have sustained an accident, you are most likely not in a physical or emotional state to be handling your own affairs or attempting to understand the long-term impact of any decisions you make at this time. Hiring a Brooklyn construction accident lawyer is one of the best decisions you can make to protect yourself during this time.

 We will help you reclaim your health and life.

Nationally Recognized Legal Counsel in Personal Injury & Accident Matters